Friday, December 22, 2017

Wayne McAllister

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Architecture, if done well, is much more than just the designing of a building; its creating a durable structure that is not only functional but beautiful.  Every building is designed by an architect however it takes vision and skill to transcend the steel, concrete and glass jungles of major metropolitan cities to create things that stands out in someone’s mind, and in some cases in history, as exceptional representations of the craft, inspiring future generations to take architecture to the next level; to continue to evolve with science and create something timeless.  While the best to ever live are often unknown to the public at large, their creations are known around the world and live on for decades and in some cases centuries after they are gone. 

While he had a hand in designing Binion’s Horseshoe, the Fremont is the only remaining resort Wayne McAllister was responsible for in Las Vegas.  Nevertheless, his legacy far transcends the buildings he created.  While most people have no idea who he is, Wayne’s work and influence on Las Vegas is unmistakable and timeless.  The Vegas vibe and all things cool about it can be related back to or somehow influenced by him, like a game of 6 degrees of Wayne McAllister.  So the next time you find yourself starting to tingle from the special Vegas euphoria, remember who invented that feeling, think of your favorite marquee and throw the dice. 

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Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Dunes Hotel & Casino


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The Dunes is a property whose affinity for, I cannot explain.  I can easily explain some of the things I like about it, things that I think are cool and amenities I would have liked to enjoy; but that doesn’t explain why.  But let me ask you this, why are you faithful to your spouse?  Why do you love them?  I know you can explain to me what you find attractive about them, your favorite features, their personality but that doesn’t explain why.  We have no control over what we find attractive, we just do.  Perhaps that explains why I like the Dunes so much.

While it may have never be the financial success it aspired to be, the Dunes can be counted among the Sands and the Stardust as some of the most iconic in Las Vegas history.  All 3 evolved with the city, a journey that caused them to end up looking dramatically different than the original concept they opened with.  It's also fair to say that their loss was all for the greater good, not only for the city but for their legend.  The way the untimely deaths of people like Kirk Cobain cause them to be idyllically remembered so is true about iconic Vegas properties. Even if at the end they are usually only shadows of the properties they were in their prime, their legacy is their ability to be remembered in whatever incarnation we choose to remember them in, the very definition of the word timeless.

If you are interested in learning more about the Dunes, check out some of the places we sourced to write their story.